What’s in a Team- Adam Lewiston
At Tyrell, it is one of our most dearly held beliefs that people buy from people – namely people that they like, respect and trust. So, that is why we are always proud to sing the praises of our exceptional team at every opportunity, because we know that it’s our multi-disciplined experts, with their wealth of experience, that ensure the success of our business and the satisfaction of our clients.
Every week this month we’ll be getting to know a different member of the Tyrell team a little bit better to show you exactly why we’re the very best in the business. This week we’re giving you an insight into what makes our Pre Sales & Support Manager, Adam Lewiston, tick.
Name: Adam Lewiston
Job title: Pre Sales & Support Manager
Miles on the industry clock: 22 years
Anyone who knows Adam will surely tell you that he’s a determined and tenacious soul, which is why it will come as little surprise to learn that as a post-graduate, Adam started out his career by unsuccessfully posting around 500 impassioned letters to post houses in Soho. After receiving a measly 20-odd replies telling him that his services as a runner would in fact not be required, undeterred, Adam managed to land himself a job at the commercial side of CCTV (that’s Christian Church TV, not to be confused with actual CCTV…) at Hillside Studios.
Not surprisingly, this required a lot of tea-making and some fanning of the egos for a few fame-hungry clergymen. However, forever the resilient networker, Adam managed to leverage his time spent at CCTV into securing a role at Metro Broadcast where he quickly moved from the duplications department (VT operations) into the hire arm of the business. It was whilst in this department that Adam’s career took a pivotal turn as he began to learn all there was to know about Avid Media Composer – both installation and support. At this time, Avid was still in its infancy, so becoming an expert on the software positioned Adam as the go-to support person in Soho.
Following a few years of flexing the muscles of his Avid expertise, plus a few more out in the ‘wilderness’ of the Facilities world where he oversaw the move and update of the entire Azimuth Post Production (formerly ORTV) facility as a whole. It seemed the natural progression for Adam to then make the move to Tyrell, which was then in itself in its infancy. Since then, Adam – and the company – have continued to grow and flourish, with Adam working his way from being a Senior Support Engineer to Product Specialist and Demo Artist for Media Composer and the Unity range and now to Pre-Sales & Support manager.
Adam sights working with Tyrell MD, Bryan Malone, as his main deciding factor in making the transition to the company. Strong customer service values are integral to Bryan’s values, an aspect which is akin to Adam’s personal ethos and is something that he asserts is reflected in all aspects of the Tyrell approach to business.
Now well and truly stitched into the very fabric of Tyrell, it is Adam’s responsibility to respond to all technical functions of the Tyrell team and to ensure that the company is offering the correct level of support. To find out more about how Adam’s expertise can help you, find him on LinkedIn and get in touch!