

Telestream provides world-class live and on-demand digital video tools and workflow solutions that allow consumers and businesses to transform video on the desktop and across the enterprise. Telestream products span the entire digital media lifecycle, including capture and ingest; QC, live and on-demand encoding and transcoding; captioning, playback and inspection, delivery, live streaming; workflow automation, and video analytics and service assurance for the entire workflow.

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Lightspeed Live Stream

Telestream Lightspeed™ Live Stream is an enterprise-class live streaming system that can ingest, encode, package and deploy multiple sources to multiple destinations.

Superior, scalable, real-time adaptive bit rate encoding for SD, HD and UHD HDR sources into AVC and HEVC. Lightspeed Live Stream can ingest multiple baseband SDI or IP video sources (MPTS, SPTS, RTMP) and encode multiple variants or ABR packages and deploy them to multiple destinations or host the origin.


Vantage® is a powerful, scalable, software-enabled media processing platform that manages all media services from the camera to the point of distribution. Vantage allows content owners, producers, and distributors to quickly, easily, and cost-effectively ingest, edit, transcode, QC, package, monetise, and distribute their media.

Vantage offers scalability from simple standalone systems to complex, multi-server systems to meet your growing business needs today and well into the future. Running on standard, off-the-shelf server hardware, or our GPU-accelerated Lightspeed Server, Vantage utilises all of the capabilities of today’s enterprise-level IT infrastructures and best practices.

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