PixStor is a high performance, highly scalable, enterprise-class storage solution specifically designed for Media & Entertainment workflows. PixStor combines flash, disk, tape and cloud storage with affordable, high performance Ethernet into a unified system that’s higher performing, limitless in scale and lower cost than traditional legacy solutions. Data moves seamlessly through many tiers of storage – from fast flash to cost-effective, high capacity object storage, all the way out to the cloud – depending on how frequently it needs to be accessed. This allows media organizations to accelerate high resolution workflows and store valuable assets more safely and economically.
PixStor provides the performance needed so combined VFX, finishing and rendering workloads can all run at maximum speed without effecting editors’ or artists’ user experience. What’s more, in addition to tiering data to the cloud with PixStor Ngenea HSM, PixStor PixCache facilitates efficient Burst Rendering onto unlimited compute nodes to take on extra projects or accelerate schedules. PixCache minimises data transfer and maximises data locality by caching on premises data close to cloud computing resources. Results are automatically transferred back to on-premises storage with no manual intervention.